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I came to Stanstead midway through my Grade 10 year, after which I promptly got two successive concussions. As you can imagine, this led to me spending A LOT of time in the Wellness Centre.
As a result, I got to know everyone there very well and began to really understand the type of place it was. It was the type of place where if you weren’t feeling well or got hurt somehow or just needed someone to talk to, there was always someone available and happy to help in whatever way they could.
That was basically my first impression of Stanstead College, and honestly, once I started meeting people outside of the Wellness Centre, I found the same thing translated into life at Stanstead. Wherever I went or whatever I did, I could always find someone who would help me along the way, whether that was finding my classes in the first week or getting extra help from a teacher to get caught up or just people reaching out to me because they had also been new here and knew how hard it could be.
One memory that particularly stands out to me of this welcoming community was a week or two after I started here. I decided to go watch a hockey game. At the time I hadn’t made many friends yet, so I went alone and was sitting by myself, when two girls came up to me, introduced themselves and asked if I wanted to go sit with them. I may not remember the score of that game, but I will always remember their kindness towards me that day.
After seeing how the Stanstead community treated each other, I realized that I wanted to be in a position where I could help others, just like I was helped when I first got here. As a result, I became a prefect, and more specifically, a wellness prefect. While I’ve only been doing this since September, I’ve been able to help Nurse Max and Miss Holly run the junior and senior peer support groups, allowing me to connect with a wide variety of people that I might not have otherwise.
As this is just the beginning, I look forward to being able to do more projects with them in the future. Special thanks to the Wellness Centre for putting up with me and to Valerie.